
Underground empty

Usual trip in the subway may turn out to be a real nightmare! Uncontrolled train rushes past stations without stops and will crash in an hour at the end of the line! You have to undertake a role of a machinist, make out engine control and stop the train.

Quest is for 2-4 persons

Quest duration: 60 minutes

Participant's minimal age: below 14 if with adults, from 14 if alone

Place: Kyiv

87A Mezhigorskaya Str. Socle room on the right of the office building near Chipo petrol station

Phone: +380 95 913 16 47

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47 reviews about the quest:


Went for a ride in subway…» When we entered, some time I had a feeling that I am really riding the subway. «Coach» (I don’t have the heart to call this quest the room) is fascinating from the first minute and doesn’t let you to relax until the «leaving on the station».

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