
Inception Uninterrupted power

Industrial revolutions that swept across the world in the 18th and 19th centuries made production methods the cornerstone of business. They also gave rise to a new kind of crime: industrial espionage. Why waste time and effort developing know-hows, when you can steal them from a competitor? Technologies kept evolving, and so did espionage methods. You are professional corporate secrets hunters; your specialization is stealing secrets from the depth of subconsciousness during sleep, when human brain is the most vulnerable. However, this time you got an unusual assignment: you have to implant an idea into the mind of a very influential global corporation owner. The fate of many countries depends on the outcome of this mission. Your team has to find the target, project the dream, get into subconsciousness and find a way to plant the idea there. You only have 60 minutes – if you are not successful in time, your victim will detect fraud and the operation will fall through. It is better not to think about what the employer can do to the failed team…

Quest is for 2-4 persons

Quest duration: 60 minutes

Participant's minimal age: below 14 if with adults, from 14 if alone

Place: Kyiv

2 Pyrohova Str. 12th entrance from the streen

Phone: +38 063 470 20 26

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37 reviews about the quest:

Dasha Nozdrachova

очень прикольно. не слишком сложно, и класнные загадки) советую! (можно нам фоточки вылажить за 12 мая?)

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