
The Godfather Uninterrupted power

Sicily preserves countless stories. One of them is the legend of Corleone's Villa, where every stone is imbued with tales of deceit.

Don Corleone, the head of the most influential mafia family, skillfully orchestrates a game that determines the fates of individuals and clans. His sacred mission now is to eradicate a rival clan on the island. Unfortunately, you've brought him bad news, and now you are under Don Corleone's suspicion.

We have completely revamped the quest 'City Falls Asleep'. Come with your magnets and experience a new incredible adventure with a discount.

Quest is for 2-4 persons

Quest duration: 60 minutes

Participant's minimal age: from 16 years

Place: Kyiv

8B Reitarska Str. Entrance to basement floor from the back yard.

Phone: +380 98 119 77 07

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28 reviews about the quest:

Олена Корнієнко
были Взаперти 57 минут

Квест дуже крутий! Сподобався)) довелося багато підказок просити у дівчат, бо складненько було, але взагалі дуже сподобалося. І дівчата умнічки! Були на багатьох локаціях, тут прям дуже хочеться відмітити ввічливість та допомогу персоналу. Дякую

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